Evan's Earth Walk

An Author's Journal--Evan Pritchard's open letter to his friends and fans concerning his writings, poetry, music, ideas, conversations, and adventures on the edge of the Native American experience.

Location: Hudson Valley, New York, United States

I am interested in everyone and everything, and how it all fits together...which used to be normal, now they call me a Renaissance Man. I am the author of Native New Yorkers, and No Word For Time, (both coming into revised paperback in September nationwide) also Native American Stories of the Sacred, Wholehearted Thinking, and many others. To learn more about my non-baseball research log onto www.algonquinculture.org. One of my other blogs is http:/resonancemagazine.blogspot.com; another is http:/peopleofmanitou.blogspot.com

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Conversations With Remarkable Elders

Saturday March 11th 2006

I had a long talk with Onimeekee Benasequay, may spirit protect her, and she told me about a wonderful confrontation resolution she had witnessed between two medicine women. We will call the first one Noogami A and the second one Noogami B. A was a socially climbing elders' helper who wanted to take control of the group and manipulate everyone, perhaps to usurp the throne so to speak, of her own mentor. B was an elder, short in stature, who was more or less retired and not seeking power. A said, "Don't worry, you too are on the path. You are grrooowwing! (a pat on the head but also an obvious insult to her height.) YOu are like a bouncing little sponge! You are changing and this will be for the good. (A was trying to sound like a teacher, like B's teacher, but B wasn't having it.)
B said, "I'm over 65, (older than you) and I have learned that there is always learning, even my elders learn, and everyone is a teacher for everyone. William Commanda said that he is learning to be old. If he is still learning, then so am I, we always have to learn. If we stop learning its time to die, and I want to live a looong life!"
A closed her eyes and put her hand on her heart, her heart was opening!
B continued: "I have a life full of joy, I have people who love me, I have beautiful grandchildren, and I am happy every day of my life just to be alive. I don't need to be anyone's teacher."
Noogami A had tears in her eyes and said, "I want to reach that some day!"
That's how elders resolve conflicts.

Benase said that she passed along my advice to the woman under attack, and blessed a three foot long red ribbon and the woman slept with it tied around her waist, and did not experience the attacks. She was very happy to receive the book, and took in the other advice as well. I had suggested to Banaise that she offer to help this elder and be a friend to her, and she did, and they agreed that when Flower flew into town for teachings, she would stay with Benaise, and that Benaise would help her in all things. This was a joyous thing for everyone and they bonded as sisters on the path.

I called Bohike, and we had an unusual discussion. Someone had suggested that I take piss for spider and other insect bites, etc. and drink it. Bohike disagreed, and said that was a Karate practice that originated in Mongolia and in an autonomous region of China Yoau Ixchen, and that it was a false teaching. He said that the body has already rejected what is in the piss, and to drink it was to make the body do that work all over again. He said it is salty and its like drinking sea water which causes pain and then kills you. He says piss shuts down your liver and you have kidney failure. He said uric acid is not good to drink, but that uraic acid, as found in nettle and similar plants was really good. He said that urine is sterile when fresh, but gets contaminated over time. He said that the yellow was toxic. In other words, "Don't eat yellow snow" is a good saying. He said that the bite of a wolf spider a recluse or scorpion or black widow will get worse if you add piss to it, but piss is good for jelly fish bits, orb spiders (certain ones) sea anenomes and web weaving spiders. It can work for bee stings, but usually not worth it. It brings down the swelling quickly when it works at all, but only external. The venom basically melts you from the inside out, and piss can neutralize the chemistry in certain situations. I bet you didn't know that. Bohike q.c. is full of natural medicine wisdom, like "Dont eat yellow snow and here's why."Grapefruit juice however is great stuff. I send a prayer of blessing that I have a Bohike in my life.


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