Evan's Earth Walk

An Author's Journal--Evan Pritchard's open letter to his friends and fans concerning his writings, poetry, music, ideas, conversations, and adventures on the edge of the Native American experience.

Location: Hudson Valley, New York, United States

I am interested in everyone and everything, and how it all fits together...which used to be normal, now they call me a Renaissance Man. I am the author of Native New Yorkers, and No Word For Time, (both coming into revised paperback in September nationwide) also Native American Stories of the Sacred, Wholehearted Thinking, and many others. To learn more about my non-baseball research log onto www.algonquinculture.org. One of my other blogs is http:/resonancemagazine.blogspot.com; another is http:/peopleofmanitou.blogspot.com

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Thursday March 9th, blogging through mud

Thursday, March 9th, 2006; I found that my blogs for the Canada trip that had been misplaced and inserted them into the mix. I also finally received the submitted version of the NY Spirit article, and inserted that as you see March 9th earlier post. There is a lot of dark magic everywhere right now, and I'm getting a lot of distress calls for people wanting advice and help. Computers are also glitching up all the time with bizzarre results. I got a call from Little Fox and she asked advice for protection against black magic for a certain medicine woman in Canada, a full blood who is being psychically attacked by a certain woman and raped by that woman's boyfriend, or so people believe, and can't sleep at night I told Little Fox to give her a copy of From the Temple Within (one of mine) and tell her to ask it a question and open it at random. The word vervain came into my mind very clearly, so I told her to get vervain, put it in a pouch. Little Fox asked if she should make it into a tea, I said, I wasn't sure, but a little couldn't hurt. I said to get a 3 foot red ribbon to sleep with, plus a bear's tooth. Little Fox said she had the bear claw, but not the tooth. Apparently there was an elk's tooth too and I said that may be attracting trouble in this case. I said to put the shield of protection around herself at night before going to bed. I said she needed to promise the Creator that she would work on the sexual abuse issues, not now but soon. She needed to heal the past. I also suggested to Little Fox that she really help this woman, also to take 12 strands of sweet grass and make a bracelet of it for the woman. And most of all, the woman needs to rely on her pipe, and smoke it alone. Little Fox said that the elder did that too when in such troubles.
I never met the woman but spirit told me alot.
Then Bexique called and I disconnected and then asked him for advice for internet protection, and he gave me some advice and suggested tobacco of course. He agreed there were unprecedented levels of psychic attacks going on.
I called Deb M at the paper and had a very friendly conversation, she's getting alot of articles published. We agreed to have a TBA lunch meeting.
I talked to HB for the first time on phone and discussed the ceremonies and the sweat lodge.
I talked to DJ at the Pequot and straightened everything out, she sounded much happier today. Then I called Kate and went over a list of things. Apparently she did not recieve my list of events that I emailed.
I spoke to Bill Schmidtt at Inwood for a long time and set up my part in Drums along the Hudson with him. He said of all the famous speakers they'd had I was the one who had the best and most detailed information on the history of the site itself, and hired me for another job in six weeks.
I kept thinking his name aws Smith, he said his mother was a Smith; I said she might be related to Joseph Smith, he agreed it was quite possible, and we talked about the Lost Tribe of Israel theory.
I also called the Trailside Museum and spoke to Frank, and left a message for the new director Mike Gambino (who does not look Sicilian!) to talk about having my Inwood Hill show there.
I left messages for Erik Baard to set up the Rowing thing as well and went on excitedly about the Tibbet's Brook discovery on his voicemail.
I called Diane DeCello at Warwarsing bicentennial, and she wanted to know if I could provide artifacts. I said I didn't really believe in that, but asked if she knew Wendy Harris. She said "I was just talking to Wendy yesterday! Yes, she wold have local artifacts as well, for our display case. We want to place Native American STories of the Sacred in a display case along with artifacts from the area in the Ellenville Library." (Wendy helped with Native New Yorkers, one miracle connection after another!) She was really excited with my response.."Wendy will be perfect!"
There were several other phone calls and then I slept off staying up tiil 4 am writing.
There were other calls and events, a nice warm day, but one I had to miss inside to catch up with correspondence. I had a difficult decision to make regarding today's class. Our review time was snowed out and so students were twisting my arm to try to get me to cancel the midterm, but it seemed unethical for an ethics class, so I came in very firmly and laid down the law, that we have a commitment to meet the expectations of the cirriculum and to have the test at the published time. I gave a one hour review which went well, then 15 minute break and then 1.5 hour test. Some people did the test in 25 minutes.
I talked at length to a very energetic student in pre-Med and told her about the article Id just read in Harpers. I said it had lots of organic chemistry in it, which she was saying was perhaps the hardest course in the school, most students scored 30% or lower on the midterms. She said it was because the concepts are hard to grasp and that there was so much detailed pieces of information to remember.
God is very very smart by the way, and His mind is quite complex, which you will learn if you ever study biochemistry, which is how He gets things done. If we had to understand sex from a biological standpoint before having any, we'd be celibate for most of our lives, or else we'd all be really really smart by the age of 21. LOL
E knows one of my students and saved a photo of her from the Times Herald Record that was deep inside the sports section of that huge tomelike paper, and cut it out. As the test was to begin I found the clipping and gave it to the student. She said she had never seen the photo or the article about her and seemed very glad. Kresge is one of the best defensive players in women's basketball, but defensive players don't always get headlines. This was a nice tribute from a major paper.
Had a meeting with Dan Black afterwards and we discussed the article in Harpers, Out of control, an expose on the corruption in AIDS testing by Celia Farber p . 37.

THen I created a weblog for our Welsh friend Megan, who is full of happy sunshine and political science and philosophy with a smile. She is young but knows about Marxism in South America for example and I showed her my Resonancemagazine.blogspot.com site, and the article on Robert Heilbronner, the prophet of economics. Lots of great energy. Megan's blog, at megan686.blogspot.com. Im sure it will be interesting.
Igor never showed up to talk about his book ideas, but Dan and I talked about it. Igors writing is great but he has marketing problems and we are all giving him advice.
I went on MLB's front page and found that my baseball blog was selected with a little write up and ranked number 10 on selected sites. I am now officially a "long suffering Mets fan" according to MLB. That is amazing as Brooks Robinson's site is ranked number 7, and players in the World Baseball cup are blogging the tournaments from Japan Mexico, etc. and they are highly ranked.
There was another Mets site on the list but no contact info. It was a really good site too. Fasten Your Seatbelts. a blog of happyrecap.com.
I called DLP To tell him the news. He was just on his way to a late night shoot and the director was waiting. He's fixed his computer and doing film scores again, and also doing some acting and cinematography.


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