March 8th, looking back to March 1st.

Evan Pritchard, starting pitcher for the left wing Irish Algonquin Team.
Look out for that curve ball.
Wednesday March 8th, 2006: I took the car in (Hyundai Kingston)under warrantee and they diagnosed and replaced a spark plug for free. Meanwhile I got a chance to look through the Robert Jay ms and while sitting in the "quiet room" (a wonderful idea) I looked through it and realized a way to structure it using the ten facts of truth as an outline also the five insights and other means. They could each become chapter headings. inisde the large ms of loose leaf papers for RJ, I found a student's missing reflection papre on The Pathfinder. I called him on my cell. I read the morning paper and saw the Patriot Act had been modified by Democrats, I saw US beat Mexico 2-0, I saw that Kaz M finally got a triple. I saw that Dae Sung Koo was let go. I read how "activist.....Dana Reeves.. suddenly died of lung cancer although she does not smoke cigarettes." She had had chemo but only a few months ago, and said she was recovering. The paper said that lung cancer at her age was very unusual.. of course you know what I think....Bob Marley, another activist who came down suddenly with cancer. Dana should have smoked a few joints like Bob Marley did, to extend his life after getting cancer. Maybe she got some gift boots from ...the same person Bob Marley did just before his cancer appeared.
Terry Bradshaw was on Imus this morning, new movie, first serious role, with Cathy Bates. I went to school with a cathy bates but this one was from Tennessee.
Then I went to Joe the Chiropractic and got a long overdue adjustment, then the receptionist looked up my records and found the first record was for Sept. 1995, but I was sure I had visited with Dr Pat in 1994, so this is my 12th year with Dr. Joe and friends. However I am not among the oldest of clients, he said there were whole families who'd been with him since 1988. I said, 'And they'll continue to be the senior patients...unless..... " we both said, ..."unless they drop dead..." The receptionist was shocked. It was pretty funny. Joe really cares about his people, in fact he helped me buy my current car.
Then I went to Marist and ran into Venk Kandadai and I created a blogsite for him called WisdomofVenk which turned out great. I showed him my various blogs and part of the power point. He wrote in his profile at that he wanted to go to Columbia. He also listed No Word For Time as a favorite book. I also showed him
I mentioned the student I thought should do a paper on Hinduism, and asked him about the temple on All Angels Hill Road, he said you turn left at (Herks?) and you see signs.
He went to tutor I went to lunch, but before I did I checked phone messages and found a troubling message from an upset DJ from the Native Ameircan Book Store, apparently there was a problem with the event of March 22.
I ckecked my emails and didn't get past the first one, from KT. I started to answer, and as I did I realized this situation was serious and saved the email message for further editing. I called DJ and left a message indicating that there had been a misunderstanding, but that I didn't know exactly what.
I also called Gordon Bailey back and left two messages about our starting a new church together in NYC.
I did finally have lunch and ran into the autistic girl mentioned earlier and we had a nice talk, the first since finals ended last year. i noticed she had put stickers all over her cell phone. I asked if she painted her walls, she said she'd like to but she wasn't that good a painter. Then she showed me that she had absolutely covered all her books with the shiny stickers. Plastered them. I thought it was very interesting. Its a way of claiming your objects as part of yourself and therefore not other. PL, another "Indigo Child" does it with paintings of flowers.
It is a fairly warm day for early March and I walked around with just the suit jacket around campus. I went back to the lab and worked on this.
I heard that my brother was hired back at a job in a plant business, being close to nature, and got a raise and a promotion. Sister Rainbow has a new puppy, who is jealous of her talking to other species. I talked to folks on cell phone standing on the edge of the Hudson at sunset with trains passing on the other side. I'm working piecemeal on various internet projects and school work. My eyes are still burning from the power point project. I explained to my Micmac mother what a power point was. She thought it was a way of arguing. Maybe it is. She said Barbara D'andrea (from NO Word For Time stories) still remembers that I was the one that formed the basis of the Red Willow Society and brought the traditional Micmacs to the US. My father read The Bob Cratchet of Shea today on the web, and really liked it, and forwarded it to Lynn. I said I was thinking of him when I wrote it, as he has always been a big fan of A Christmas Carol and Bob Cratchet.It made me happy to see that he found it without me telling him. I then told him a "readers digest of those articles is now on the front webpage for MLB, which is one of the most popular web pages in the world, and must get 10 million viewers a day. Nerds love baseball!
I see Dan black and Igor are both working the library desk at the same time. We are all supportive of Igors book and may choose to work together. An article comes out tomorrow in the Circle by Dan.
I got two lecture offers today. I am becoming superstitious of counting those chickens in my blog before they hatch, but they are both very very nice! Code word
Rowers and Drummers. One is for April 22, the day I was supposed to do the walking tour for free.

I had lunch at the KAF today.
Tuesday March 7th, 2006: I had a late start due to the printer not working, but made good time to school so I could print out the test questions. It turns out I had skipped over one of the most important quesitons in the review session, but had to ask it anyway, so I declared a half point system on that item. We had gone over this question several times in class, but not on the day of the review. The students seemed okay with that. I handed back all papers. EW had read all the material on Dharma for her discussion project, and I got the idea that she should change the topic of her term paper from Roman to Hindu culture. She was open to the idea, in fact by coincidence she was wearing a pale orange that reminded me of modern Hindu meditation wear. I suggested she find Autobiogrpahy of a Yogi. I said Hindu culture tends to be very optimistic and positive, and that she'd been going through some hard times lately, some bad luck. (I was intuiting this)
She said she'd just been in a car accident the day before. I said "That's bad luck, I'd say!"I wanted to mark this day because I think (intuit) that something really good will come out of this for EW.
Students seemed pretty cheerful upon leaving the midterm test room.
James Smith, future NBA star, came over to talk; he said they knew that the Iona game was basically the championship; they felt they could beat St. Peters and go on from there, but knew that Iona was tough. I said there must have been some element of revenge, as Marist upset them a month ago (see beginning of this blog) He said yes there was vengeance in their hearts. James said he was from Maine, Bethel Mnt I said my family was from Old Orchard. Small world. I wondered to myself if he was Micmac. I had said to the class that Iona won the MAAC but that Marist came close.
I talked to Wally a while. He's always bringing up things about cultural history I never heard of; I don't always known what to say but I tell him its good that he does that so I'm not the only one source all the time.
I worked in the library, Dan lent me a copy of harpers monthly. I talked to Diego about sports, he went to Albany and saw the Marist game and said that the defense was overwhelmed in the second half. Two guys on Iona scored 30 points.
ALl four of my basketball students have been in the papers every day, Times Herald, NY Post sometimes, POJO every day. Cool headed Jared Jordan led the nation in assists and was elected to the all MAAC team, as was red shirt Ryan Stilphen.
I had taken the ESPN mag and decided to write up the article about David Wright now that I had a new mlb blog. It came out good. I printed it out and showed it to Diego who is a sports broadcasting major.
I ran into....can't remember, a student that used to come to Citizenship Thinktank alot. He said he'd gotten a scholarship to London to study alternative dispute resolution, and we talked about that for a while. It was weird that he got a scholarship and DLP didn't. I had a weird sense of time today, it kept whizzing by. I wanted to see Harry Potter again, but was eating dinner at school and the time just whizzed by the one showing.
Monday, March 6th, 2006 a pleasant day in retreat. I was so tired I needed tons of sleep. A friend chided me for being a bum. I said I'd planned this sleep all week, and if you say you're going to sleep ahead of time, you're not a bum. Bums don't plan ahead. That seemed like an acceptible answer.
I took a walk with Ellis and E took a picture of me in a green Mets tee shirt in front of Left Field card shop, and one or two by the river.
I worked on the computer for a while, resaving my pictures in usable formats. I went on MLB site front page and noticed the baseball blogs, and there weren't that many of them taken, and it was $5 a month, so I set one up for Amazine1, a sort of "readers digest" version. I ended up staying up til 3 AM and got tired all over again, but it was a big step forward in a way, as the traffic should be better.
There are alot of software issues on that site. I wanted to put in the photo of me and DLP at Shea that Shoshana took, so I imported the picture called Shoshanas picture, and it turned out to me an artistic photo of a girls back, a girl who apparently had no clothes on. There was nothing obscene about the picture of the girls back, but it violated MLB's strict rules, yet teh delete button did not work!!! That's why I was up all night! I suddenly knew how Lady MacBeth felt with that stain..."Out damn blogspot!!!" I kept trying to delete that artistically beautiful and tasteful but technically inappropriate photo from my photo gallery. They said all photos should be relevant to the subject of baseball. I kept looking at that lady's back and thinking, "How can I relate this to baseball?" After about an hour, it just disappeared by itself. Shoshana is very sick these days and was in teh hospital on Monday, so I think this is Gods way of keeping her in my mind so I pray for her recovery, though she is not religious in any denomination. I did put out tobacco for her on Sunday.
Sunday, March 5th, 2006, Worked hard on final touches to the hour long power point on Inwwod Hill Park. I got a message from Ray Harrel at Magic Circle Opera Co. Apparently there was a big fight over the meaning of the word Nyack and I am one of the most quoted people on this issue. Sand Hill Cherokee say there is an old Cherokee word meaning point of stones. There is also a Creek word Newyakka, which means "new Yorker." I said the first had a common Mayan/Nuatl root, and the second was simply a dialect version of New Yorker, different word. Then we talked for about two hours about everything.
I mentioned I was writing this string quartet, and he said he needed Native American songs by Native composers. I said this was a baroque flavored piece, but it was exactly as I heard it in my dream. He said any music written from a dream was Native AMerican in another way.

I put on my shoes at one point and there was a sharp point in one but it went away. I just had enough time to pull together a written report for the Inwood Hill Park Rangers, 35 pp with footnotes and explanation, a text only reprint of the power point and a full reprint of the power point, plus a CD/DVD of the power point to donate to the center. It turned out to be really important, because the guy who hired me John Wells, had been temporarily transferred and would never see it otherwise, and Bill missed most of it due to a lighting crisis at the center. Apparently there had been a number of star speakers there, including the great David Oestreicher and ...John (?)Kraft, but one of the employees there said I was the most interesting. So that's when I gave him the powerpoint DVD and printout sets. This helped inspire them to hire me back for the next month's event! Well worth all the extra trouble.
Got to Inwood Hill in plenty of time and took a walk, got photos of the rock. watched a black poodle running his fuzzy ass off after a rubber ball, it was fascinating, he was radiating such bouncy energy.
Got back and found that the "computer" was a notebook laptop and was not totally up to the task of a 58 slide powerpoint with lots of animation. After a while it uploaded and after a while I could get through the slides by pushing forward and reverse, but the animation didni't work for the most part.
The talk had been announced on short notice, mostly with posters, and it was great to see all these people crawl out from under rocks and arrive from all directions on foot carrying their Evan Pritchard books under their arms to be signed. It was one of those beautiful moments where the voice of the people was heard. I have a following!
One woman said that Native New Yorkers was a sleeper, that it had finally caught on, and everyone is talking about it. She said it took people four years to just read it, tehre is so much content. I said that the paperback was coming out just in time for them to read it again.
Saturday March 4th: This was the former Inaugeration Day in Washington's time ,easy to remember for those who wish to march forth into life boldly with both eyes open. I worked all day on pulling together the power point, my first "power point movie." I was learning new tricks all the time, and added alot of animation and clips of music, some of which were funny. I also was able to watch the Independent Oscars for most of the show, then had to turn it off.
I went wtih Ellis to see a blues concert with Bobby Kyle and Darin Lewis the black upright bass player.

Bobby is a white blues singer and guitarist of the highest order, I told him he reminded me of David Clayton Thomas, and he made a sound like, wow I hope so. Both Ellis and I thought of Paul Butterfield too.
We all talked afterwards and it turns out Lewis is from Chevy Chase and is two years or less younger than me and we know alot of the same people,

Before the concert I talked to Mr Smith who runs the historical society and The Columns museum, and we talked about his collection. The town is in an uproar over an issue with a monument to Tom Quick. He said it was in an undisclosed location pending the end of the fighting . I said I thought I could help. He said hed meet me next Wed and his wife would lend me a book on Francis Craft. I would tell them what I knew about the unmarked artifacts.
There was alot of great art work on auction, but the concert was a fund raiser too. They are trying to raise money to put a new roof on this ancient and historic edifice. It is one of the better community-run museums around.
We were all pretty tired after the concert, and Bobby was obviously sleep deprived. We were talking about seeing a good movie, and it turns out The Peacemaker with Geoge Clooney was on TV, and we watched that.
Friday March 3rd, 2006: I was thinking, "I really have to get to work on time, so I'll check my messages, and I wont call back unless its really imporant. As luck would have it, I got a message from Depsimanna, "Greasewood Flower Girl" of the Hopi,

We talked on the phone for 15 minutes. She is going to Holland soon. She invited me out to New Mexico for a conference, but I did not commit as of yet. She had been very ill and out of contact, and I was concerned she might no longer be with us, but she sure is! She had left California years ago and left no phone number.
I was also making an email list and wanted her on it, and so when she called she gave me her email for the list. Very small world. We talked about our friend Oanness Pritzger too.

I met with L and we went to see Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. (I think this was today) L said it was cute. It made me realize that the power point project was my current test of strength and I'd better do a good job. The movie refreshed my determination. I threw myself into it later that night.
Thursday March 2nd, it was a snowy day, but it looked like we'd have school, not that bad. I mailed the Fed Ex pacakge to Paul English after looking all day for an open Fed Ex shop, very difficult ordeal to mail the original of the Medicine Wheel design to him. I did alot of errands, then called school to find that all classes were cancelled. This meant my midterm Ethics review was cancelled. That created a very strange situation. The class had broken their word to me to support Marist basketball if I let them out a little early. Most did not go! Now God was sending them their karma, erasing the review period with little snow flakes from heaven. I mailed out alot of bills while standing int he post office. I ran into my old friend Tarak Singh, and there was Major, (( call him Maha Dog, as Maha means major in sanskrit)) one of the most popular dogs in Woodstock. Tarak invited me to dinner some time. I agreed.
I also did laundry, graded papers and mailed stuff back to the Pequot.
Today was supposed to be the day that Lovelock's Revenge of Gaia was being released in the US> Guess what? Its not even on Amazon, and B and N's website has no trace of it. Its a missing person.
Wednesday, March 1st This is the day I relaunched Resonance Magazine. It was first launched in 1986, then went out of service in 1996. Now in 2006, the twentieth anniversary of my publishing company and of resonance magazine, I am relaunching it as a weblog! Or in fact a cluster of weblogs. I had a complete vision in my head today as to how it should look and be structured. It would be a blog cluster, which 12 or so permanent posting folders that would change and only hold the most recent articles on each subject. Then those would link the reader to the separate blogzines which would act both as archives and separate magazines.
I also created the blog evansearthwatch today, to go with the Magazine idea. I updated on March 3rd, completing the initial stage.
A new month begins. Lots to do. Mostly, to type up notes from the last two weeks of February; sorry folks for the delay. Tomorrow is the US release of Lovelock’s book Revenge of Gaia, and also the start of the World Baseball Cup, which will distract media attention away from Lovelock. I don’t know why I didn’t get a call to play for the United Algonquian-People’s team; I was checking my voice mail, but no calls. Last night I dreamt many strange dreams, one of which was in the future, and the Bush administration would not leave, but continued making larger and larger weapons, until all the money was spent. I also dreamt about a blonde haired pianist—we were working on Believe Me (one of mine) and then when it was time to play for an important person, he went crazy. He was trying to play in the dark and with the lid closed, acting nuts. It turns out his mother had just died and he was using cocaine. There were a lot of us in this peace building community, and we found sliced up old pictures of him and his mother and were very concerned. There were deep trenches outside, and I helped people climb out of them with my hands lifting their feet. I also dreamt about trying to fix my car, or was it someone else’s? I found a ring on my finger I had never seen before! A young man came in telling the mechanics about his trip to Canada, saying he was part Algonquin, they weren’t interested.
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